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      Europa / Funding & Tenders Portal notification

      Dear Sir, dear Madam,
      We are pleased to inform you that the European Commission has now officially launched Open Research Europe, the open access publishing platform for scientific articles that present the results of research funded by Horizon 2020, and soon Horizon Europe.

      With this message, we would like to bring to your attention the dedicated letter of Mr. Jean-Eric PAQUET, Director-General of the European Commission Research department.
      You will find the communication in the Funding and Tenders Portal’s dedicated section under the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/docs/2021-2027/horizon/other/comm/open-research-europe_official-launch_en.pdf

      We thank you for your collaboration and wish you all the best!

      Kind Regards,
      H2020 grants communication team

      Please do not reply to this message.
      This message is addressed to the participants of the H2020 grant agreement referred above in the subject.
      Note, that you may receive this message multiple times if you have several, simultaneous participation in H2020.

      If you want to change the frequency of receiving notifications with importance “Normal”, you can do it in the Funding & Tenders Portal > My Notifications > Preferences

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