
Monthly Weekly Daily List Grid Tile
June 2024
May 2024

Cerebellum-Basal Ganglia Interactions

Speakers: Clément Léna, Institute of Biology of the École Narmale Supérieure, https://www.ibens.bio.ens.psl.eu/spip.php?rubrique53&lang=fr Kamran Khodakhah, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, https://www.einsteinmed.edu/faculty/8472/kamran-khodakhah/ https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/63714177707?pwd=xAAc0gT8lTLr0d9VWVRHG4OzwHjvVZ.1
31 May
Zoom (link will be made available here approximatly 24h before the event)
April 2024

Dopamine Acetylcholine interactions

Speakers: Nicolas Trisch, New York University, https://med.nyu.edu/faculty/nicolas-tritsch– coordinated fluctuations in striatal dopamine and acetylcholine release in vivo Paul Kramer, University of Michigan, https://medicine.umich.edu/dept/mni/paul-kramer-phd Zoom link: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/68373866076?pwd=QTVDWG9WODUwSVZZVFZwQ3pwaEw5QT09
26 Apr
16:00 - 18:00
Zoom (link will be made available here approximatly 24h before the event)
February 2024

Subthalamic nucleus

Speakers: Åsa Mackenzie, Uppsala University, https://www.iob.uu.se/research/physiology-and-environmental-toxicology/mackenzie-lab/– Heterogeneity of the subthalamic and para-subthalamic nuclei Mark Bevan, Northwestern University, https://labs.feinberg.northwestern.edu/bevan/ https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/63938684623?pwd=bmdxV0h6SkxGL1JiNWFtUzVGcWlKUT09
23 Feb
Zoom (link will be made available here approximatly 24h before the event)
January 2024

Honorary Lectures 2024

Speakers: D James Surmeier, Northwestern University, https://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/faculty-profiles/az/profile.html?xid=13458– α-Synuclein pathology disrupts mitochondrial function in dopaminergic and cholinergic neurons at-risk in Parkinson’s disease Thomas Perlmann, Karolinska Institute, https://perlmannlab.org/– Development and diversity of midbrain dopamine neurons Link to join the meeting: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/61196167772?pwd=d3Z6RUtCS0tHVE00VEd6RGhlQzM5Zz09
26 Jan
16:00 - 18:00
Zoom (link will be made available here approximatly 24h before the event)
November 2023
October 2023

October Webinar

Speakers: Nicole Calakos, Duke University, https://neurology.duke.edu/research/lab-and-translational-research/nicole-calakos-md-phd– Motor learning regulator? Significance of proteostasis pathway activity in striatal cholinergic interneurons. David Robbe, Aix-Marseille University, https://www.inmed.fr/en/en-avenir-dynamiques-neuronales-et-fonctions-des-ganglions-de-la-base– In search of a unifying function of the dorsal striatum…a simple question of effort? https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/64239379022?pwd=aHBsTE5scjVheEIva1VKOFluV2FRZz09
27 Oct
Zoom (link will be made available here approximatly 24h before the event)
September 2023

September Webinar

Speakers: Ramón Reig García, Miguel Hernandez University, https://in.umh-csic.es/en/grupos/sensory-motor-processing-by-subcortical-areas/ Tanya Sippy, New York University Langone Medical Center, https://www.sippylab.com/ https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/63758384888?pwd=RXVZS0hMQ0M3eU1UY01DSkJOK2ZlQT09
29 Sep
Zoom (link will be made available here approximatly 24h before the event)
August 2023

Dopamine and Acetylcholine waves in the striatum

Speakers: Arif Hamid, University of Minnesota, https://med.umn.edu/bio/arif-hamid– Circuit and Computational Specializations Employed by Dopamine to Regulate Adaptive Behavioral Control Josh Goldberg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and visiting Professor at UTSA– Traveling waves of acetylcholine and dopamine release in the striatum https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/62096529704?pwd=TzI5L24zZm53S3VOUFBNWGJrQnBtQT09
25 Aug
Zoom (link will be made available here approximatly 24h before the event)
May 2023

May Webinar

Speakers: Lucas L. Sjulson, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, https://www.einsteinmed.edu/faculty/15655/lucas-sjulson/– Developing a novel chemogenetic strategy for opioid use disorder Jens Hjerling-Leffler, Karolinska Insitute, https://staff.ki.se/people/jens-hjerling-leffler– The neuroscientist’s guide to schizophrenia: a data-driven prioritization of circuits https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/61492719898?pwd=S1hEN2VuTC90WEIrR2x4dUFJRG9kZz09
26 May
Zoom (link will be made available here approximatly 24h before the event)
April 2023

Basal Ganglia in addiction

Speakers: David M Lovinger, National Institute on Alcohol, Abuse and Alcoholism NIH, https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/research/division-intramural-clinical-and-biological-research/laboratory-integrative-neuroscience– Alcohol Shifts the Balance Between Associative and Sensorimotor Cortico-Thalamo-Basal Ganglia Circuit Control of Behavior Louise Adermark, University of Gothenburg, https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/louiseadermark– Behavioural and neurophysiological transformations elicited by nicotine https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/63100352177?pwd=d1RGWDIzNjNOODhtTUdqVE1jUjdWUT09
28 Apr
Zoom (link will be made available here approximatly 24h before the event)
March 2023

Computations performed in the basal ganglia

Speakers: Kenji Doya, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, https://groups.oist.jp/ncu– Possible roles of the basal ganglia in control and inference Bernard Balleine, The University of New South Wales, https://www.decisioneurolab.com/bernard-balleine– Encoding and updating action-outcome associations in the striatum and affiliated circuits https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/68033226598?pwd=Z1RQd3YySWxXbWNKZjZwaG9yZnAvUT09
31 Mar
12:00 - 14:00
Zoom (link will be made available here approximatly 24h before the event)
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