Forum Replies Created

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  • Author
    • #1246
      Daniel Vare

      Hi all, I am Daniel Vare and work as a project manager at KTH. I am also the secretary of SWEBAGS and a community builder for EBRAINS. I have a background in Molecular Genetetics and a PhD from Stockholm University focusing on DNA lesions and repair.

    • #1161
      Daniel Vare

      Research environment grant interdisciplinary research 2021 (outline application) – deadline Mars 17 – 2021

      The grant for interdisciplinary research environments aims to give opportunities for research teams to develop interdisciplinary research and research environments, where ground-breaking discoveries may be expected. The call relates to research where theories, methodology, factual knowledge and/or data from differing disciplines are combined in ways that open up new research fields and research approaches. This long-term support is aimed primarily at new, interdisciplinary groupings with researchers from genuinely differing scientific backgrounds.

    • #1160
      Daniel Vare

      Rådsprofessor inom naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap – deadline Mars 2 – 2021
      Syftet med rådsprofessorprogrammet är att skapa förutsättningar för de mest framstående forskarna att bedriva långsiktig, nydanande forskning med stor potential att åstadkomma vetenskapliga genombrott. Bidraget ska också möjliggöra etablering och uppbyggnad av en större forskningsmiljö av högsta kvalitet kring en ledande forskare.

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