– Save the date and call for participation
The 17th of December SWEBAGS will organize a one day Conference “Basal ganglia-disinhibited ” in conjunction with our membership meeting. Due to uncertainties with the covid situation, we will host this event online this year and hope we can start meeting again in-person next year. Please mark this day in your calendars and join us for an interesting day with posters, presentations and keynote lectures. We welcome you all to prepare abstracts for submissions for oral presentation or posters. The deadline for submissions is 30th of September and more information will be available at our website later on.
More information and link for submission will be made available here. https://swebags.ebrains.se/events/swebags-conference-2021/
- Poster abstract submission Max 300 words deadline Sep 30 2021
- Oral presentation abstract submission Max 1 A4 page incl. 1-2 figures deadline Sep 30 2021
Conference format:
2 invited keynote lectures
Selected talks from submitted abstracts — preference given to younger scientists.
Breakout rooms with disinhibited discussion on selected topics.
We have posted a few topics for the breakout sessions. Please vote on those and if you do not like any of those, please suggest your own topic. If your topic receives enough votes it will feature in the program.