Angela Cenci Nilsson appointed as the Coordinator of Multipark

Logo of Multipark Lund

Angela Cenci Nilsson has been appointed to coordinate Multipark (Multidisciplinary research focused on Parkinson´s disease) for the next 3 years (2021-2023). Multipark is a strategic research environment supported by the Swedish Government and hosted by Lund University. Its vast programme ranges from fundamental investigations into disease mechanisms to studies on the life situation of patients affected by Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative disorders. As a research area of excellence, Multipark has the dual mission of creating a vibrant scientific environment and benefitting society at large (which is achieved by developing innovations and new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases).

Angela Cenci Nilsson appointed as the Coordinator of Multipark Read More »

Founding of SWEBAGS

profile picture of the board members

Today the 26th of November 2020 SWEBAGS was officially formed and the first board was elected. Together the board members represent a wide range of expertise and different research approaches. We look forward to working together for SWEBAGS!

Please join us by becoming a member!

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